The Book of Ephesians (2020) 01/12 PM - All Spiritual Blessings In Christ [Ephesians pt. 1] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 01/19 PM - A Portrait of the Church [Ephesians pt. 2] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 01/26 PM - The Mystery [Ephesians pt. 3] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 02/09 PM - Spiritual Maturity [Ephesians pt. 4] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 02/23 PM - Be Imitators of God [Ephesians pt. 5] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 03/08 PM - Be Subject to One Another [Ephesians pt. 6] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 03/15 PM - The Whole Armor of God [Ephesians pt. 7] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline)
Paul's Exhortation to the Thessalonians (2020) 01/26 AM - Our Attitude Toward Those Who Serve [Paul's Exhortation to the Thessalonians (1)] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 02/02 AM - Our Attitude Toward Those In Need [Paul's Exhortation to the Thessalonians (2)] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 02/09 AM - Our Attitude Toward Our Life [Paul's Exhortation to the Thessalonians (3)] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline) 02/23 AM - Our Attitude Toward the Truth [Paul's Exhortation to the Thessalonians (4)] | (PowerPoint) | (Outline)